The New Rays 13 – 24. New Evolving Frequencies of Light.

New Evolving Frequencies of light
by Valerie Phillips

The color rays are frequencies of light which have been in existence and part of sacred geometry from the beginning. Each color ray vibrates and resonates their
own particular frequency. You might notice you are attracted to one color and not attracted to another. This is your resonance. If you are highly spiritual you most
likely will be very comfortable with blue colors and you might gravitate to those colors in your wardrobe. If your third eye area is activated you will be attracted to
Indigo’s and violet shades for your crown chakra.

The bottom line is that each color in the frequency rainbow all the way to the new luminescent colors carry information in the frequency and vibration of its color.
The Rays are whole building blocks of information available for you to tap into and utilize. This is what Master Djwhal Kuhl was teaching in his twelve ray information
through Alice Bailey. Now we have even more higher frequency color ray information available to us and all we have to do is tap into it and bring the frequencies into
our body, mind and spirit.

The color rays 13-24 are no longer a blending of colors into a solid color, they are a swirling and merging of colors with each color maintaining its integrity while
bringing its essential frequency still intact to the mix.

Of note is the Silver/Gold Rays which are masculine and feminine energies. The Silver Color Ray is Feminine energies and the Gold Color Ray is Masculine
energies which have now merged into White Gold in unification of balanced masculine/feminine within each of us in the Newest Color Ray Frequencies.

The Heart of Love and Universal Service
Color: Radiant Luminescent Silver-Pink

This ray is the higher aspects of the feminine energies merging with the radiant pink to bring an understanding of universal service along with compassionate

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I call into self the Thirteenth Ray of Luminous Silver-Pink to transmute and release old
paradigms of ego-self and initiate self into the Radiant Silver-Pink Ray to Divine Will Service and Action . ” Thank you.


Universal Healing Mastership – Worldwide Healing Service
Color: Radiant Luminescent Blue – Green – Gold

Within this ray the Gold is the higher aspect of the Masculine which is transmuted together with the higher aspect of spirituality (Luminescent Blue) and the higher
Healing Services of Luminescent Green. The ray allows you through the doorway of universal healing service. How this differers from the Thirteenth Rays is that it
combines spiritual understanding (Knowledge & Wisdom) with the higher Healing in outward Action and Service Universally while the Thirteenth Ray concentrates on
loving compassionate energies of service – the Fourteenth Ray goes a step further.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Fourteenth Ray of
Luminous Blue – Green – Gold to activate within me the Universal healing mastership – worldwide healing service . ” Thank you.


Intellectual Wisdom and Global Consciousness Applications
Color: Radiant Luminescent Yellow-Amber – White Gold

This ray has the intellectual Wisdom of the deepest level to accompany the alchemy of Masculine Feminine unity which is the merging of polarity. From this level you
are called to go forth with the global consciousness applying it worldwide in all areas at the deepest discretion.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Fifteenth Ray of
Luminous Yellow – Amber – White Gold to activate within me the Intellectual Wisdom and Global consciousness applications . ” Thank you.


Global Action with the Forces of the Light Frequencies
Color: Radiant Luminescent Orange-Russet – White Gold-Grey

This ray works with the Elohim and the masters of light in activating Light Frequency Forces Globally. Light Frequency Forces are the energies of global peace,
serenity, tranquility, intellectually awakened spirituality and thought. This is what you along with the light forces work on energetically globally.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Sixteenth Ray of
Luminous Orange – Russet – White Gold-Grey to activate within me the Global Action with the Forces of the Light Frequencies . ” Thank you.


Internal Merging of Intellect – Wisdom and Healing Service
Color: Radiant Luminescent Yellow-Green – White Gold

This is the heightened level of the Fifteenth Ray as it is complete in its final stage of Intellectual Wisdom and Healing communicating it now to all levels of your being
with this Seventeenth Ray.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Seventeenth Ray of
Luminous Yellow – Green – White Gold to activate within me the Internal merging of Intellect – Wisdom and Healing Service . ” Thank you.


Powerful Presence of Divine Will and Dynamic Action merged with Intelligence
Color: Radiant Luminescent Red-Yellow Gold and Silver=White Gold

This ray goes all the way back to the First Ray and bring together a final truth of Ego-self merging with your own personal Power Presence of Divine Will and from
this Dynamic Action with Intelligence is now activated to use globally.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Eighteenth Ray of
Luminous Red – Yellow – Gold and Silver=White Gold to activate within me the Powerful Presence of Divine Will and Dynamic Action merged with intelligence . ”
Thank you.


Divine Will and Your Direct Intellectual Creation with the Source
Color: Radiant Luminescent Yellow-Red-Magenta Gold and Silver=White Gold

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Nineteenth Ray of
Luminous Yellow – Red – Magenta – Silver=White Gold to activate within me the Divine Will and my Direct Creation with the Source . ” Thank you.


Totally Merged, Totally Unified, Totally Transformed Self
Color: Radiant Luminescent Indigo-Violet Silver & Gold=White Gold

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Twentieth Ray of
Luminous Indigo – Violet Silver & Gold=White Gold to activate within me Totally Merged, Totally Unified, Totally Transformed Self . ” Thank you.


Transformed and Ready Service with the Multi-Universe Level
Color: Radiant Luminescent Brilliant Blue – Yellow – Violet with Gold and Silver=White Gold

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Twenty-First Ray of
Luminous Brilliant Blue – Yellow – Violet with Silver & Gold=White Gold to activate within me Totally Transformed and ready to take on the multi-universe working with
and beyond the Earth Plane on a conscious level. ” Thank you.


A Master Ray of the Christing Light
Color: Radiant Luminescent White – Blue – Pink – White Gold

A Master Ray – this is the Christing ray, this is the ray that all the great ascended teachers achieved.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Twenty-Second Ray
The Master Ray of Luminous White – Blue – Pink with Gold & Silver=White Gold to activate within me the Christing Ray. ” Thank you.


A Master Ray of Merging with the Source (moving into the light yet still on earth)
Color: Radiant Luminescent White Pure Pearl-essence

Moving into the light but still on the earth in a physical body.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Twenty-Third Ray The
Master Ray of Luminous White pure pearl-essence to activate within me the Merging with the Source on the highest level moving into the light but still on the earth in
my physical body. ” Thank you.


A Master Ray Gateway to a Higher Level of Frequencies
Color: The Void – The Null Space – All Colors Combined

Like a black hole or worm hole of the creative source, this void takes us through another gateway to additional higher frequencies of Light.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and
down through the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising
back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant Luminescent
colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you
in total connection.

“I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all energies that no longer service and call into self the Twenty-Fourth Ray
The Master Ray of the VOID – ALL COLORS – INFINITY to Activate within me the GATEWAY to additional higher frequencies of Light from Source. ” Thank you.



Olen tõeotsija. Julgustan ka teid otsima oma tõde. Teades ja aru saades kuidas asjad maailmas toimivad, on suur edasiminek hinge arengus. Teadlikus aitab. Mida rohkem enesearenguga tegeleda, seda õhemaks illusioonikihid jäävad. Ükski inimene ei suuda muuta maailma, kuid ta võib edastada sõnumi, mis muudab maailma.
Rubriigid: Kanaldus, Kosmoloogia, Maagia, Meditatsioon, Tervendamine, Uncategorized. Salvesta püsiviide oma järjehoidjasse.

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